2021 Banana Slug Series

With the current global situation and the uncertainty of cycling events in 2021, we will be conducting this year’s Banana Slug Series virtually. Riders have a four day window to complete the ride: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday surrounding the second Saturday of the months February through June. January’s Slug Fest will be held the third weekend since it took us a while to get this going.

 Riders must be FULLY self sufficient. We will not be providing SAG support. Riders should be reminded to maintain social distancing from fellow riders not in their germ bubble.

Each ride will have a Host, Ride Contact. The Ride Contact will be responsible for compiling the ride timing from the riders. Ride timing will be accomplished through Strava for riders with that capability and any riders without Strava can self-record their rides and turn in their time via e-mail to the Ride Contact. For updates and route specifics, join the RCMBA Strava group (https://www.strava.com/clubs/rcmba) and stay tuned to our events page.

Round 1: January 15, 16, 17, 18 - Monument/Bear River Ridge starting and ending at Humboldt County Fairgrounds. Ride Contact is Steve Jones (ironorsteel@gmail.com)

Round 2: February 12, 13, 14, 15 - Butler Valley loop - Clockwise - Start and finish to be near the D St Neighborhood Center in Arcata. Ride Contact is Tim Daniels (twowhellintim@gmail.com)

Round 3: March 12, 13, 14, 15 - Lonestar Junction - Start at 3 corners - Climb Greenwood Heights - loop clockwise - descend on Kneeland. Ride Contact is Travis James (ptrav37@gmail.com)

Round 4: April 9, 10, 11, 12 - Dyerville Loop clockwise - Start and Finish at State Park Headquarters in Weott. Ride Contact is Lacey Comer (laceycomer@gmail.com)

Round 5: May 7, 8, 9, 10 - Tour of the Unknown Coast - direction optional. Start and finish at Humboldt County Fairgrounds. Ride Contact is Steve Pearl (steventpearl@gmail.com)

Round 6: June 11, 12, 13, 14 - Paradise Royale Loop, direction optional. Ride Contact TBD.